Educational Resources

We want to set you up

for success and give

you the educational

tools to start you off

on the right foot!.

Talk to A Live Person About Starting Your Own Boutique

We have experienced LuLaRoe Boutique Owners available and ready to answer your questions and share with you how to successfully start your own boutique. Click below to schedule a call!

LuLaRoe Retailer Business Support Benefits


  • Free ground shipping on orders from us to you

  • Point of Sale system, e-commerce website, and sales reports

  • Platform for selling on Facebook Live

  • 5% off wholesale orders when using retailer card

  • Sales Tax and Shipping & Handling

  • Tax remission

  • Payment processing with instant funding

  • Marketing assets for product launches including product photos

  • Education for new retailers and ongoing peer-to-peer coaching

“From the very beginning, we knew we wanted a business that would help others to succeed. We wanted to encourage and challenge people to do their best! We wanted them to lift each other up, to become friends, and to cheer each other on! We are so proud of everyone who is a part of this movement.”


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